DISC '99

13th International Symposium on DIStributed Computing

September 27-29, 1999

Bratislava, Slovak Republic, Europe

Call for Papers

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                           CALL FOR PAPERS

     13th International Symposium on DIStributed Computing (DISC '99)


                         September 27-29, 1999

                       Bratislava, Slovak Republic




Deadline for regular submissions:            April 9, 1999

Deadline for Brief Announcement submissions: May 10, 1999

Acceptance notification:                     June 16, 1999

Camera-ready papers due:                     July  6, 1999


DISC was formerly known as WDAG.  The name change, which took effect in

1998, reflects the expansion from a workshop to a symposium and from

distributed algorithms to all aspects of distributed computing.  The first

DISC, held in Andros, Greece, in September 1998, was a success, attracting

nearly ninety submissions in varied areas of distributed computing.

Original contributions to theory, design, analysis, implementation, or

application of distributed systems and networks are solicited.  Topics of

interest include, but are not limited to:

* distributed algorithms and their complexity

* fault-tolerance of distributed systems

* consistency conditions, concurrency control, and synchronization

* multiprocessor/cluster architectures and algorithms

* cryptographic and security protocols for distributed systems

* distributed operating systems

* distributed computing issues on the internet and the web 

* distributed systems management

* distributed applications, such as databases, mobile agents, and electronic


* communication network architectures and protocols

* specification, semantics, and verification of distributed systems


In addition to regular papers, Brief Announcements are also solicited this

year.  Ongoing work for which full papers are not ready yet or recent

results published elsewhere are suitable for submission as brief

announcements.  It is hoped that researchers will use the brief announcement

track to quickly draw the attention of the community to their experiences,

insights and results from ongoing distributed computing projects.

The symposium program lists all accepted papers---regular and brief

announcements. Brief Announcements are presented at the symposium in a rump

session and get about 10 minutes each.  Regular papers get about 25 minutes

each.  The symposium proceedings will include only accepted regular papers

and will be published by Springer in its "Lecture Notes in Computer Science"

series (http://www.springer.de/comp/lncs/index.html). Accepted brief

announcements will be published in a Technical Report by the host university,

Comenius University in Bratislava.


Unless mentioned otherwise, the following guidelines apply to submissions 

to either track---regular track and brief announcement track.

Every submission should be in English, begin with a cover page, and followed

by an extended abstract.  The cover page should include: (1) title, 

(2) authors and affiliations, (3) postal and email address of contact author,

(4) whether the submission should be considered for the best student paper

award, (5) whether the submission should be considered for both regular and

brief announcement tracks, and (6) an abstract of the work in a few lines.

Items 4 and 5 apply only to regular submissions.

The extended abstract of a regular submission should be no longer than 4800

words and not exceed 12 pages on letter-size paper using at least 11 point

font and reasonable margins (the page limit includes all figures, tables,

and graphs). The extended abstract of a brief announcement should not exceed

4 pages using at least 11 point font and reasonable margins.  Submissions

deviating from these guidelines will be rejected without consideration of

their merits.

It is recommended that the extended abstract begins with a succinct

statement of the problem or the issue being addressed, a summary of the main

results or conclusions, a brief statement of the key ideas, and a comparison

with related work, all tailored to a non-specialist.


Authors are strongly encouraged to submit their papers electronically. 

A detailed description of the electronic submission process is available at

http://sigact.acm.org/~disc99/DISC99.html.  Authors who cannot submit

electronically must submit a printed copy to the DISC program chair at the

following address:

Prasad Jayanti

6211 Sudikoff Lab for Computer Science

Dartmouth College

Hanover, NH 03755


Email: prasad@cs.dartmouth.edu

Phone: 603-646-1292 (USA)

Authors submitting hard copies should also send an e-mail to the program

chair indicating that they are submitting in this manner.

The deadline is the same for electronic and hardcopy submissions: regular or

dual-track submissions must be received by 11:59 PM EST April 9, 1999.  Late

submissions might be rejected without consideration of their merits.

(The deadline for brief announcement submissions is 11:59 PM EST May 10, 1999.)


A paper is eligible for the best student paper award if it is a regular

submission, one of its authors is a full-time student at the time of

submission and the student's contribution is significant.  The program

committee may split this award or decline to make it.


Angel Alvarez              Technical University of Madrid

Anindya Basu               Bell Labs 

Shlomi Dolev               Ben-Gurion University

Cynthia Dwork              IBM, Almaden 

Rachid Guerraoui           Ecole Polytechnique, Lausaunne

Vassos Hadzilacos          University of Toronto 

Maurice Herlihy            Brown University

Prasad Jayanti (Chair)     Dartmouth College 

Srinivasan Keshav          Cornell University 

Marios Mavronicolas        University of Connecticut

Yoram Moses                Technion

Alessandro Panconesi       University of Bologna

Mike Reiter                Bell Labs 

Sam Toueg                  Cornell University 

Moti Yung                  CertCo      

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Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Comenius University, Bratislava
All rights reserved. © 1998
Last modified: March 17, 1999