Workshops program at a glance (pdf)
The following workshops will be held in conjunction with DISC 2019 on the day preceding the conference (October 14th, 2019):
- ADGA: Workshop on Advances in Distributed Graph Algorithms
Chair: Mohsen Ghaffari
- ApPLIED2019: Advanced tools, programming languages, and PLatforms for Implementing and Evaluating algorithms for Distributed systems
Chairs: Chryssis Georgiou, Yanhong Annie Liu, Miguel Matos, Elad Michael Schiller
- BTT: Workshop on Blockchain Technology and Theory
Chairs: Ittai Abraham, Christian Cachin, Ittay Eyal, Maurice Herlihy, Maria Potop-Butucaru
- CELLS: Computing among Cells
Chairs: Matthias Fuegger, Adrian Kosowski, Manish Kushwaha, Thomas Nowak
The following workshop will be held in conjunction with DISC 2019 on the day after the conference (October 18th, 2019):
- DiADN : Distributed Algorithms for Dynamic Networks
Chairs: Tomasz Jurdzinski, Miguel Mosteiro
- DCC: Workshop on Distributed Cloud Computing
Chairs: Chen Avin, Gabriel Scalosub
- FRIDA: Formal Reasoning in Distributed Algorithms
Chairs: Swen Jacobs, Igor Konnov, Stephan Merz, Josef Widder
- HDT: Workshop on Hardware Design and Theory
Chairs: Moti Medina and Andrey Mokhov